About Us - New England Barrel Company
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About Us

About Us

A Community Built One Pour at a Time

We are just like you

New England Barrel Company is focused on bringing curated spirits to the glasses of our community members and customers.


We went through our beer phase, crushed our fair share of Vodka & Cranberry, Gin & Tonics, Bourbon & Cokes, and even over indulged a bit on Tennessee Whiskey in our younger years.


We had that epiphany that a shot may not be the best way to consume liquor and maybe they could be enjoyed more if you take the time to relax and enjoy the pour.


Needless to say, we have consumed our fair share of spirits – Bourbon, Rye, Single Malt/Grain Scotch, Irish Whiskey, Rum, Tequila, Armagnac, etc – and deeply care about what’s in your glass.

That is why we have built our core values around what matters most to us as consumers:



We will be transparent and not give you a well crafted story about “finding” barrels hidden/buried/unearthed in the ruins of Pompeii (feel free to insert your favorite story)



We will operate with integrity whether you are picking a barrel or a bottle off our retailer partners shelves (virtual or physical) and expect our retail partners to act with integrity in regards to their customers.



We will be honest with you. We will share age statements, batch details, and probably more information than you care to know.

If you ever have any questions or needs please feel free to reach out to us via “Contact Us” or email James Saunders, our Founder & President, directly at james@newenglandbarrelco.com.

© Copyright 2020-2022 New England Barrel Company | D&D By: TANDEM DESIGN All Rights Reserved.